40. Marti-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E., Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2024). Airbnb on TikTok: Brand Perception through User Engagement and Sentiment Trends. Social Science Computer Review, Vol. ahead of print (eT, AccS)
39. Marti-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E., Ferrer-Rosell, B. (in press). Review of Scientific Literature on Airbnb: Past, Present and Future. Journal of Tourism Analysis, Vol. ahead of print (eT, AccS)
38. Medina-Hernandez, V.C., Marine-Roig, E., Ferrer-Rosell B. (2024). Attributes influencing guests’ experiences: a comparison of nonprofit and for-profit peer-to-peer accommodation platforms. Journal of Information Technology & Toursim, 26, 255-291 (eT, AccS)
37. Marti-Ochoa, J., Martin-Fuentes, E., Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2024). The Voice of the Guests: Analysing Airbnb Reviews as a Representative Source for Tourism Studies. El Profesional de la Información, 33(2), e330202. (eT, AccS)
36. Martinez-Sala, A.M., Huertas, A., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Marine-Roig, E. (2024). Impact of crisis and resilience communication on destination image and tourists’ behaviour. El Profesional de la Información, 33(2), e330203 (eT)
35. Mellinas, J.P., Martin-Fuentes, E., Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2023). Why Some Call the "Worst" What Most Consider the "Best"?: An Analysis of Tourist Complaints at the Wonders of the World. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, Vol. ahead of print (CoDa; eT)
34. Nieto-Ferrando, J., Marine-Roig, E., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Martin-Fuentes, E. (2023). La imagen turística de Barcelona en la ficción audiovisual. Catalanidad, cosmopolitismo y mediterraneidad versus españolada. Revista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales, 49(146).
33. Medina-Hernandez, V.C., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Marine-Roig, E. (2021). Value co-creation in non-profit accommodation platforms. Frontiers in Psychology 12:763211 (AccS, eT)
32. Barreal, J.; Ferrer-Rosell, B., Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Jannes, G. (2021). Influence of Service Valuation and Package Cost on Market Segmentation: The Case of Online Demand for Spanish and Andorra Ski Resorts. Sustainability, 13(5), 2938
31. Daries, N.; Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2021). Implementation of website marketing strategies in sport tourism: Analysis of the online presence and e-commerce of golf courses. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(3), 542-561 (eT)
30. Lalicic, L.; Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (2021). Destination image analytics for tourism design. Annals of Tourism Research, 86, 103100 (CoDa; eT, AccS)
29. Huertas, A.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E.; Cristobal-Fransi, E. (2021). Treatment of the Airbnb controversy by the press. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102762 (CoDa; eT; AccS)
28. Martin-Fuentes, E.; Nieto Ferrando, J.; Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2020). From Blockbuster to Neighbourhood Buster:
The Effect of Films on Barcelona. Sustainability, 12(6), 2290 -
27. Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Daries, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (Eds.) Special Issue on Sustainable Tourism Marketing. Sustainability.
26. Coenders, G.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2020). Compositional data analysis in tourism. Review and future directions. Tourism Analysis, 25(1), 153-168 (CoDa; AT; GT; EXP; eT).
25. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E. (2020). Projected versus perceived destination image. Tourism Analysis, 25(2-3), 227-237. (CoDa; eT)
24. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E.; Marine-Roig, E. (2020) Diverse and emotional: Facebook content strategy by Spanish hotels. Journal of Information Technology & Tourism, 22(1), 53-74 (CoDa; eT)
23. Medina-Hernandez, V.C.; Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2020) Accommodation sharing: a look beyond Airbnb’s literature. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 14(1), 21-33 (AccS; eT)
22. Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Montegut-Salla, Y.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries, N. (2020). Rural cooperatives in the digital age: an analysis of the Internet presence and degree of maturity of agri-food cooperatives’ e-commerce. Journal of Rural Studies, 74, 55-66 (eM) .
21. Daries, N.; Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Cristobal-Fransi, E. (2021). Do high-quality restaurants act as pull factors to a tourist destination? Tourism Analysis (GT).
20. Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries, N.; Cristobal-Fransi, E. (2019) Measuring gastronomic image online. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(23), 4631 [Special Issue on Gastronomy, Tourism and Its Social-Environmental Impact in Local Communities] (eT; GT).
19. Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Hernandez-Soriano, F.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries, N. (2019). Exploring service quality among online sharing economy platforms from an online media perspective. Sustainability, 11(13), 3690 [Special Issue on Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism] (eT).
18. Daries, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Marine-Roig, E. (2018). ¿Postureo o disfrute de la experiencia gastronómica? Efectos de la reputación y la experiencia en la recomendación de los restaurantes de alto nivel. Cuadernos de Turismo, 42,119-136 (GT).
17. Daries, N.; Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E. (2018). Behaviour of culinary tourists: a segmentation study of diners at top-level restaurants. Intangible Capital, 14(2), 332-355 (GT).
16. Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2018). Measuring the gap between projected and perceived destination images of Catalonia using compositional analysis. Tourism Management, 68, 236-249 (CoDa; eT).
15. Daries, N.; Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E. (2018). Maturity and development of restaurant websites: a comparison of Michelin-starred restaurants in France, Italy and Spain. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 73, 125-137 (GT; eT).
14. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G. (2018). Destinations and crisis. Profiling tourists’ budget share from 2006 to 2012. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7, 26-35 (CoDa; AT; EXP).
13. Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries-Ramon, N. (2017). Segmentación de los seniors en función de los productos que compran por internet: impacto en la industria turística. Cuadernos de Turismo, 40, 175-201 (eT).
12. Coenders, G.; Martín-Fernández, J.A.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2017): When relative and absolute information matter. Compositional predictor with a total in generalized linear models. Statistical Modelling, 17(6), 494-512 (CoDa).
11. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G. (2017). Airline type and tourist expenditure: Are full service and low cost carriers converging or diverging? Journal of Air Transport Managment, 63, 119-125 (CoDa; AT; EXP).
10. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G.; Marine-Roig, E. (2017): Is planning through the Internet (un)related to trip satisfaction? Information Technology & Tourism, 17(2), 229-244 (eT).
9. Mateu-Figueras,G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Coenders, G.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Batista-Foguet, J.M.; Serlavós, R. (2016). Exploring the relationship between two compositions using canonical correlation analysis. Metodološki Zvezki, 13(2), 131-150 (CoDa).
8. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G.; Martínez-Garcia, E. (2016). Segmentation by tourist expenditure composition. An approach with compositional data analysis and latent classes. Tourism Analysis, 21, 589-602 (CoDa; AT; EXP).
7. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G.; Mateu-Figueras, G.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2016). Understanding low cost airline users’ expenditure pattern and volume. Tourism Economics, 22, 269-291 (CoDa; AT; EXP).
6. Coenders, G.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martínez-Garcia, E. (2016). Trip characteristics and dimensions of Internet use for transportation, accommodation, and activities undertaken at Destination. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25, 489-511 (eT).
5. Batista-Foguet, J.M.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Serlavós, R.; Coenders, G.; Boyatzis, R.E. (2015). An Alternative Approach to Analyze Ipsative Data. Revisiting Experiential Learning Theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1742 (CoDa.
4. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G.; Martínez-Garcia, E. (2015). Determinants in tourist expenditure composition – the role of airline type. Tourism Economics, 21, 9-32 (CoDa; AT; EXP).
3. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martínez-Garcia, E.; Coenders, G. (2014). Package and no-frills air carriers as moderators of length of stay. Tourism Management, 42, 114-122 (AT).
2. Martínez-Garcia, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G. (2012). Profile of business and leisure travelers on low cost carriers in Europe. Journal of Air Transport Management, 20, 12-14 (AT).
1. Palau, R.; Forgas, S.; Blasco, D.; Ferrer, B. (2012). An analysis of greenways from an economic perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Planing and Development, 9, 15-24.
13. Martinez-Garcia, A., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Horrach-Rosselló, P., Mulet-Forteza, C. (2024). An Overview of the European Research in Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality since the First Indexed Publication. In: Oliveira, O. (Ed.) Bibliometrics - An Essential Methodological Tool for Research Projects. IntechOpen, Rijeka.
12. Troitiño Torralba, L., Ferrer-Rosell, B., Espinet Rius, J.M. (Eds.) 2024. La Actividad Turística Española en 2022. Madrid, Síntesis. ISBN: 9788413573212.
11. Ferrer-Rosell B., Coenders G., Martin-Fuentes E. (2022) Compositional Data Analysis in E-Tourism Research. In: Xiang Z., Fuchs M., Gretzel U., Höpken W. (Eds.) Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham. (CoDa; eT)
10. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G. (2022). Compositional data in Tourism. In Buhalis, D., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Pp. 590-593. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. (CoDa)
9. Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2021). Compositional analysis of tourism-related data. In Correia, A., & Dolnicar, S. (Eds.) Women's voices in tourism research: Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations. Pp. 182-188. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. (CoDa)
8. Marine-Roig, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (2021). La construcción de la imagen del destino en Internet: El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana. In J. Nieto, A. del Rey, & E. Martin (Eds.), Turismo inducido por el audiovisual: Revisión metodológica y propuestas de investigación transdisciplinar (pp. 215-242). Salamanca: Comunicación Social.
7. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E.; Vives-Mestres, M.; Coenders, G. (2021). When size does not matter: compositional data analysis in marketing research. In Nunkoo, R.; Teeroovengadum, V.; Ringle, C. (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods for Marketing Management. Pp 73–90. Chentenham: Edward Elgar. (CoDa; eT).
6. Martin-Fuentes, E.; Marine-Roig, E.; Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2019). Accommodation Price Strategies: Hotels versus P2P Lodging. In Pearce, P.L.; Oktadiana, H. (Eds.) Delivering Tourism Intelligence (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, Vol.11). Pp: 249-262. Emerald Publishing Limited (eT).
5. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martín-Fuentes, E.; Marine-Roig, E. (2019). Do hotels talk on Facebook about themselves or about their destinations? In. J. Pesonen & J. Neidhardt (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Pp: 344-356. Cham, Switzerland: Springer (CoDa; eT).
4. Marine-Roig, E.; Martín-Fuentes, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2019). A framework for destination image analytics. In. J. Pesonen & J. Neidhardt (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Pp: 158-171. Cham, Switzerland: Springer (eT).
3. Cristóbal-Fransi E.; Daries, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (2019). Las estaciones de esquí como recurso turístico. In J.A. Fraiz Brea & N. Araújo Vila (eds.), La actividad turística española en 2018 (Edición 2019). Pp. 327-334. Madrid, Síntesis. ISBN: 978-84-9171-440-8
2. Cristóbal-Fransi E.; Daries, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (2018). Turismo de nieve. In E. Alén González & F. Calero García (eds.), La actividad turística española en 2017 (Edición 2018). Pp. 331-340. Madrid, Síntesis. ISBN: 978-84-917179-5-9.
1. Cristóbal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries-Ramon, N. La comunicación institucional universitaria a través de las redes sociales. In: Innovación universitaria: digitalización 2.0 y excelencia en contenidos. Pp: 149-160. McGraw-Hill, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-48612-71-9.
16. Espinet, J.M.; Mulet-Forteza, C.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. (2024). Big Data and Business Intelligence in Cruise Destinations. In: Guevara Plaza, A.J., Cerezo Medina, A., Navarro Jurado, E. (eds) Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability. TURITEC 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
15. Mesegue-Basallo, M.A.; Marti-Ochoa, J.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martin-Fuentes, E. (2024). Assessing Tourists’ Perception of ‘Smartness’ in a Destination: A Case Study of Tenerife Island. In: Guevara Plaza, A.J., Cerezo Medina, A., Navarro Jurado, E. (Eds) Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability. TURITEC 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
14. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Massimo, D.; Berezina, K. (Eds.) 2023. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023. Springer, Cham. eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-25752-0. DOI:
13. Stienmetz, J.L.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Massimo, D. (Eds.) 2022. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. Springer, Cham. eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-94751-4. DOI:
12. Martin-Fuentes, E.; Medina-Hernández, V.; Cristóbal-Fransi, E.; Daries-Ramón, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Mariné-Roig, E. (2021). Gestió de les xarxes socials com a eina d’aprenentatge a l’aula universitària. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), [en línia], Núm. 5.
11. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Liang, S.; Dayour, F. (Eds.) Proceedings of ENTER21 PhD Workshop. Online, University of Lleida, 2021. ISBN: 978-84-9144-267-7 (e-T)
10. Stienmetz, J.L.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Schuckert, M. (Eds.). Proceedings of ENTER2020 PhD Workshop. Guilford, University of Surrey, 2020. ISBN: pending (e-T).
9. Daries, N.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. Uso de las TIC por parte de los comensales de restaurantes de alto nivel. In: Proceedings of XII International Conference of Tourism & ICT - TURITEC 2018. Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2018, 429-446. ISBN:978-84-09-05554-8 (GT; e-T)
8. Mariné-Roig, E.; Daries, N.; Cristóbal, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B. Importancia de la gastronomía en la imagen del destino turístico: El caso de las Islas Canarias. In: Proceedings of XXX Congreso de Marketing - AEMARK2018 (2018). Madrid: ESIC Editorial (GT; e-T).
7. Cristobal-Fransi, E.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Daries-Ramon, N. Comportamiento de compra en línea de los mayores frente al producto turístico. In: Proceedings of XI International Conference of Tourism & ICT - TURITEC'16. Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2016, 353-364. ISBN: 978-84-617-5596-7(e-T).
6. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Marine-Roig, E.; Coenders, G. Actual Internet use by Millennials: Does it enhance trip satisfaction?. In: Proceedings of XI International Conference of Tourism & ICT - TURITEC'16. Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2016, 29-38. ISBN: 978-84-617-5596-7 (e-T).
5, Garcia-Romeu, M.L.; Cañabate, D.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Langarita, J.A.; Mayugo, J.A.; Ministral, M.; Planas, M.; Ruda, A.; Solé, J. Satisfacció dels destudiants cap a l'aprenentatge cooperatiu a la Universitat de Girona. In: Proceedings of the V International Conference: The challenges of improving assessment - UNIVEST'15. Girona, University of Girona, 2015, 586-594. ISBN: 978 84 8458 453 7 (LS).
4. Coenders, G.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Mateu-Figueras, G.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. MANOVA of Compositional Data with a Total. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Compositional Data Analysis - CODAWORK'15. Girona, University of Girona, 2015, 63-73. ISBN: 78-84-8458-451-3 (CoDa).
3. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Coenders, G.; Martínez-Garcia, E. Trip characteristics as predictors of actual Internet use dimensions to plan & book a trip. In: Proceedings of X Congreso de Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones - TURITEC'14. Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2014, 242-254. ISBN: 978 84 617 0914 4 (e-T).
2. Coenders, G.; Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martínez-Garcia, E. Actual Internet use to plan and book a trip as a bidimensional latent variable related to trip characteristics. In: Proceedings of the 4th Advances in Hospitality Marketing & Management Conference - AHTMM'14. Maurtius, University of Mauritius, 2014, 324-349. ISSN: 169412225 (e-T).
1. Ferrer-Rosell, B.; Martínez-Garcia, E.; Coenders, G. Does travelling with low cost affect trip duration?. In: Papers of the First Congress of Leisure and Tourism - OCITUR'12. Mataró, Escola Universitària del Maresme. 2012, 129-152. ISBN: 978-84-695-3343-7 (AT).